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Top breeder in Russia visits the World of James Herriot

Ekaterina Anikushina is the top breeder of English Springer Spaniels in Bolshaya Vruda, Russia and whilst visiting the UK in May, Ekaterina visited the World of James Herriot and posted a James Herriot post card to herself in Russia. The postcard was added to Ekaterina’s Facebook page on 23rd August after its arrival three months later at her home in Russia.

Ekaterina’s visit and love of James Herriot follows the recent visit of Svetlana Kolosova, curator of The State Darwin Museum Moscow, who visited the World of James Herriot recently with her family and other Russian groups of guests during the year.

Ian Ashton, managing director of the World of James Herriot said: “This is the year of the Russians for us in Herriot Country and the World of James Herriot as visitor numbers are at an all-time high. Our visit to Moscow earlier in the year certainly seems to be paying dividends after the Herriot Exhibition staged at the State Darwin Museum Moscow and our meeting with the Moscow Herriot Fan Club.”

Alf Wight visited Russia accompanying a cargo of sheep in October 1961 and included the story of the trip in one his books “The Lord God Made them All”. The books and TV series continue to be popular in Russia and plans are afoot for a Russian language section to be installed in the World of James Herriot.

“Alf Wight’s love of small animals was very well-known and he would have been delighted by Ekaterina’s visit. We are grateful to David Shields, area director of Welcome to Yorkshire, who is also a dog show judge, for spotting Ekaterina’s post.” added Ian.

Visit Ekaterina Anikushina’s Facebook page!

For further information please contact: Ian Ashton MD, World of James Herriot, 23 Kirkgate, Thirsk, North Yorkshire, YO7 1PL.. Tel: 01845 524234. E-mail: mail@worldofjamesherriot.com