herriot news blog

Support a good cause

The staff at www.worldofjamesherriot.com would like to thank Brian Fetwell, for sending the message and photo below, over to us. We would like to wish him all the very best this Sunday – Good luck with you 52 mile walk Brian! We hope our friends and followers will help support this great cause!

(Message from Brian below)…


“We are very grateful to the Herriot Museum in Thirsk for assisting us with photographs to help promote our sponsored walk to raise funds for the Urostomy Association. The Association has over 2000 members who have had a urinary diversion or bladder removed resulting in a stoma being formed. This is often due to bladder cancer, but not always.


Some 11 years ago I was diagnosed with bladder cancer, resulting in major surgery to have my bladder removed and my waterworks replumbed!


My wife Glynis and I are thankful that during that period, which was an anxious time, we both found sympathetic support via the Urostomy Association (UA), a charity founded and run by people who’ve been through a similar situation. As a result of that, we became involved with the organisation and for the past six years or so I have had the privilege of serving as its Chair of Trustees.


In 2021, the Association reached its golden anniversary, but due to COVID restrictions celebratory events were deferred until this year. To mark the charity’s 50-year milestone, Glynis and I will be walking 52 miles along the Herriot Way starting this coming Sunday 11th September, raising awareness and funds to help the vital work of the Association to continue.


If you wish to learn more about the Association or want to talk to someone who has a urostomy about how it might affect you please visit our website at www.urostomyassociation.org.uk . We appreciate that we all have extra demands on our cash at the moment but if you could afford a small donation to help us keep the work going, please visit :- www.Justgiving.com/fundraising/brianfretwell


The UA will be extremely grateful for all donations as this is the main source of income.


Thank you”.

For further information please contact: Ian Ashton MD, World of James Herriot, 23 Kirkgate, Thirsk, North Yorkshire, YO7 1PL.. Tel: 01845 524234. E-mail: mail@worldofjamesherriot.com