herriot news blog

From Russia with Love

World of James Herriot team to visit and meet Moscow’s Herriot Fans for James Herriot Exhibition at The State Darwin Museum Moscow in Russia

An invitation to the State Darwin Museum Moscow in Russia has been received by the World of James Herriot. This is because the museum has set up an exhibition of James Herriot Memorabilia in honour of Alf Wight (James Herriot) whose 100th birthday celebration was held in October 2016.

Representatives, Ian Ashton, managing director and John Gallery, marketing manager will be travelling to the Russian city on 15th February where they will meet museum officials and some of Moscow’s James Herriot fans including Maria Scheglova, Head of the English Club of Fans of James Herriot Moscow.

News of the exhibition reached managing director Ian Ashton via an email from the Director of the State Darwin Museum Anna Kliukina who forwarded photographs of the opening of the exhibition plus a range of other images of the exhibits that have been prepared and displayed at the State Darwin Museum.

“We are extremely honoured that this exhibition has been staged and delighted to have been invited to visit. It’s amazing how many followers we have in Russia and shows just how far and wide James Herriot’s stories have reached around the world,” Comments Ian Ashton, managing director of the World of James Herriot.

Alf Wight visited Russia accompanying a boatload of sheep in October 1961 and included the story of the trip in one his books “The Lord God Made them All” . The books and TV series continue to be popular in Russia, so much so that there is an ‘English Club of Fans of James Herriot Moscow’ and some members have visited the World of James Herriot.

Ian adds: “The Russian people are so enthusiastic about everything Herriot and we’ve had many Russian visitors coming to visit the area and see the places that Alf Wight based his books on. We never expected such a fabulous exhibition but it is important that we continue to develop this relationship and make the trip to Russia.”

“We are not sure who we shall meet yet at the Russians are keeping that close to their chests but that is probably their way of doing things. We are learning Russian greetings and etiquette before we travel and will be presenting gifts from Herriot Country to our hosts. We are also gearing up for the cold weather and have purchased Herriot branded ‘ushanka’ fur hats to help us cope with the temperature. Comments John Gallery of Great Potential.

For further information please contact: Ian Ashton MD, World of James Herriot, 23 Kirkgate, Thirsk, North Yorkshire, YO7 1PL.. Tel: 01845 524234. E-mail: mail@worldofjamesherriot.com